(ANSI) C Reference – Pointers, Arrays and Structures
A look at how to use pointers, arrays and structures in the C language.
You could also take a look at the C Array tutorial.
You could also take a look at the C Structures tutorial.
You could also take a look at the C Pointers tutorials.
void * -> Generic pointer type
NULL -> Null pointer
type *name -> Declare pointer to type
type *f() -> Declare function returning pointer to type
type (*pf)() -> Declare pointer to function returning type
*pointer -> Object pointed to by pointer
&name -> Address of object name
name[dim] -> Array
name[dim1][dim2] -> Multidimensional array
struct tag -> structure template
declarations -> declaration of members
struct tag name -> Create structure
name.member -> Member of structure
pointer -> member -> Member of pointed to structure
union -> Single value, multiple type structure
member : x -> Bit-field with x bits