(ANSI) C Reference – Pointers, Arrays and Structures

A look at how to use pointers, arrays and structures in the C language.

You could also take a look at the C Array tutorial.

You could also take a look at the C Structures tutorial.

You could also take a look at the C Pointers tutorials.

void * ->  Generic pointer type

NULL ->  Null pointer

type *name ->  Declare pointer to type

type *f() ->  Declare function returning pointer to type

type (*pf)() ->  Declare pointer to function returning type

*pointer ->  Object pointed to by pointer

&name ->  Address of object name

name[dim] ->  Array

name[dim1][dim2] ->  Multidimensional array

struct tag ->  structure template


declarations ->  declaration of members


struct tag name ->  Create structure

name.member ->  Member of structure

pointer -> member ->  Member of pointed to structure

union ->  Single value, multiple type structure

member : x ->  Bit-field with x bits

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