C++ Friend function and Friend class
In the last C++ programming tutorial we looked at inheritance. In this C++ programming tutorial we will take a look at C++ friendship.
Friend Functions
A C++ friend functions are special functions which can access the private members of a class. They are considered to be a loophole in the Object Oriented Programming concepts, but logical use of them can make them useful in certain cases. For instance: when it is not possible to implement some function, without making private members accessible in them. This situation arises mostly in case of operator overloading.
In the following example, the friend function print is a member of class TWO and accesses the private data members a and b of class ONE.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Must be known to TWO
//before declaration of ONE.
class ONE;
class TWO
void print(ONE& x);
class ONE
int a, b;
friend void TWO::print(ONE& x);
ONE() : a(1), b(2) { }
void TWO::print(ONE& x)
cout << "a is " << x.a << endl;
cout << "b is " << x.b << endl;
int main()
ONE xobj;
TWO yobj;
Friend functions have the following properties:
- 1) Friend of the class can be member of some other class.
- 2) Friend of one class can be friend of another class or all the classes in one program, such a friend is known as GLOBAL FRIEND.
- 3) Friend can access the private or protected members of the class in which they are declared to be friend, but they can use the members for a specific object.
- 4) Friends are non-members hence do not get βthisβ pointer.
- 5) Friends, can be friend of more than one class, hence they can be used for message passing between the classes.
- 6) Friend can be declared anywhere (in public, protected or private section) in the class.
Friend Class
A class can also be declared to be the friend of some other class. When we create a friend class then all the member functions of the friend class also become the friend of the other class. This requires the condition that the friend becoming class must be first declared or defined (forward declaration).
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class MyClass
// Declare a friend class
friend class SecondClass;
MyClass() : Secret(0){}
void printMember()
cout << Secret << endl;
int Secret;
class SecondClass
void change( MyClass& yourclass, int x )
yourclass.Secret = x;
void main()
MyClass my_class;
SecondClass sec_class;
sec_class.change( my_class, 5 );
Note:we declared friend class SecondClass; in the class MyClass, so we can access Secret in the class SecondClass.
Another property of friendships is that they are not transitive: The friend of a friend is not considered to be a friend unless explicitly specified.
That is all for this tutorial.

hi , can u give me the difference between the friend class and friend function….
The tutorial is clear on this, but here you go, I found this definition on another site:
can two functions be declared friend to one class?
@shrihari Sure you can declare two functions friend of one class, take a look at an example:
using namespace std;
class AClass {
int a,b;
void test() {
// Declare the two functions friends.
friend int add(AClass input);
friend int minus(AClass input);
// Function one
int add(AClass input) {
return int(input.a + input.b);
// Function two
int minus(AClass input) {
return int(input.b – input.a);
void main(void){
AClass output;
// Initialize output
cout << add(output) << endl;
cout << minus(output) << endl;
I hope this answers your question.
Thank u. It works!!
why the argument or parameter of a friend function must be of the type of Aclass
eg from the code above
// Declare the two functions friends.
friend int add(AClass input);
friend int minus(AClass input);
am confused with this please help me
friend function can access the private members of class. Is it possible, so that friend function should not access the private members of a class? Is any concept deals with it.
We consider that friend function access the private data member of the class.But I did’nt get actually ,because member function of the class also use private data directly.
Plese clarify that…
can we make more than one friend functions within a class?
C++ :Can we access private function of class from another class(not friend or inherited) without using public function?I mean Class A has private function A1.Can we access A1 from another class B directly using pointer.You cannot use public function in class A to return address of private function A1.class B is not friend or child of class A.
wat is the output for the program friend class… π
the output is
This is helpful to all who need this.
this is not helpfull for me i want to see syntax of friend function
Well Explained, good concept !!
Can i pass an object to friend function? (of the same class whose friend the function is)
can a member function call this friend function? (if it does accept a class argument)
Characteristics of friend function
1. The friend function can access private and protected data members.
2. Friend function cannot call with the help of Object of that class, it is call by using normal ‘C’ function.
3. Generally, friend function can take Object as a argument.
4. Friend function is not in scope of class.
wow it is fantastic so continue…….
nyc explanation!!!
can u show a program in which we can make use of friendly function using two classes to calculate area of two objects using any fake formula
class square
int side;
square(int a)
side = a;
friend int area(square sqObj);
class rect
int len, bre;
rect (int a, int b)
len = a;
bre = b;
friend int area1(rect recObj);
int area (square sqObj)
int area1 (rect rectObj)
void main()
square sq(5);
rect rec(3,5);
cout << area(sq);
cout << area1(rec);
A friend function can define also inside the class. then what is the make difference b/w if i defining a friend function inside a class and outside a class.
What is principle of friendship in the context of functions and classes?
can any1 give me a pgm fo class private data modifying with a friend function
hey guys…i cant get the difference b/w friend function and friend class..
wht s the use of friend function if we declare public also we can access private data know.
there is no clear information on this topic.
tnx admin..
Write a normal function which adds objects of the complex number class. Declare this normal function as friend of complex class
Can u plz giv a program to read two integer numbers through two different objects of class βAdditionβ. Add these two integers using friend function and display the total.
Can i declare two different classes and then access their objects with friend function
//for example//
class real
void values()
class img
void values()
int add(real r1.values(),img i1.values()
//addition is done here//
Can this Happen??
I’m replying to mithilesh’s post,
With my understanding from the information passed in the above post, we can declare a function to be friends with one or more classes.
This in turn means we can access the private members which in your example ( although poorly described ) would be the data members.
When this function is to be called in the main program.
It would be called without the dot operator as it isn’t a member of any class. This therefore suggests that all friends to multiples classes must take on the same name and must take arguments of all these classes. Therefore we pass each class as an argument and access the data members.
In your example I’m guessing add is the friend function.
Int add ( const real& r1,const img i1)
Return ( R1.rvalue + i1.imag ); /
is it possible for a friend function to be a member of one class but friend to another class in c++??
wht is the code to find the average value4 of two numbers using friend function??????????
@ dhruvin patel the following code is the solution of your problem” wht is the code to find the average value4 of two numbers using friend function??????????”
code is::
class two;
class one
int a;
public: void setvalve(int x)
friend void avg(one n, two m);
class two
int b;
void setvalve(int x)
friend void avg(one n, two m);
int main()
one a1;
two a2;
int a,b;
return 0;
void avg(one n, two m)
float avg;
avg= (n.a+m.b)/2;
cout<<avg<< "is avrage";
Is it possible to put the sum of objects of two different classes into an object of third class?if yes then plz tell how with an example
Reply to @ASIF’s and @Swati’s post
C++ supports multiple friendship. This means you can declare a function/class to be friends with more than one class. However you must first understand that a FRIEND FUNCTION/CLASS is NOT a member of the class/classes to which it is friends with.
A friend function or a friend class is a normal function / class that has been explicitly granted access to the private members of a class. You must therefore then treat it as a normal function and pass as an argument the class/classes it is friends with.
E.g friend int function_to_add( const class_one &one , const class_two &two )
return ( one.private_data_member + two.private_data_member )
Hope my answer would suffice π
“Is it possible to put the sum of objects of two different classes into an object of third class?if yes then plz tell how with an example ? ”
As it is most programming tasks there’s usually more than one way of getting the job done. In this case you have the option of either using a friend class or not using friendship at all. Personally I would opt for the latter.
PsuedoCode : without a friend class
Class A
int i;
A (int input ) : i=input ; // constructor
int get_i (){ return i; } //member function that returns i
Class B
int j;
B(int input ) : j=input ; // constructor
int get_j (){ return j; } //member function that returns j
Class C
int k;
C(int input ) : j=input ; // normal constructor
C( A &a_ ,B &b ) : k = a_.get_i + b_get_j {} // constructor #2
void set_k_to_sum_of_A_and_B ( const A& a_ , const B &b_ )
k = a_.get_i() + b_.get_j() ;
The function set_k_to_sum_of_A_and_B does the summation for you
and if you wanted to perform the summation at instantiation of an object of type C then the constructor #2 does this too.
I really do hope this helps π
if you want an example illustrating how to get this done with the friend class then let me know via a comment.
eg of friend class,,
class a
int a,b;
void show()
{ cout<<""a=<a<<"b="<<b;
friend void(show1,show2)
class b
void main()
a obj1;
b obj2;